ocr: 048 Interview with TMB of Scoopex Held byl Dave/D-TECT Interview with IMB/Scoopex hobbies? TMB: My non computer hobbies.. H-M: First SOMe personal questions, to sleep. how old are you? H-M: What Music do you listening, to? TMB: At the Moment I'm 18 years old. TMB: I am listening to Hard-Rock On first Februrary I'll become music. Speed Metal,Heayy Metal, 19. Trash Metal, But most of the H-M: Are you still going to school? time I'm listening to computer TMB: No,. of course not. School is MUSIC. boring, Ihave a job as a pro- H-M: What are your favorite AMIGA grammer in a firm. Tam pro- sounds? gr ...